INSPIRE Camp at SMVDU : Tentative Structure of program
26th to 30th December, 2011
Time/ Day |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
8.00 to 9.00 |
No Activity |
Breakfast |
9.45 to 11.45 |
Inauguration |
Public Lecture Life sciences |
Public Lecture Chemistry |
Public Lecture Earth Sciences |
Public Lecture Earth Sciences |
2 Parallel Sessions |
2 Parallel Sessions |
5 Parallel Sessions |
Ask a question from the experts |
11.45 to 12.15 |
Tea Break |
12.15 - 1.00 |
Public Lecture Physics |
2 Parallel Sessions |
5 Parallel Sessions |
5 Parallel Sessions |
Valedictory, feedback & departure of participants |
1.00 - 2.30 |
Lunch Break |
2.30 - 3.15 |
5 Parallel Sessions |
Ask a question from the experts |
5 Parallel Sessions |
5 Parallel Sessions |
Departure of the participants |
3.30 - 4.30 |
Arrival of students |
2 Parallel Sessions |
SMVDU walk |
4.30 - 5.30 |
Tea Break |
No Activity |
6.00 - 8.00 |
Registration & Briefing |
Cultural Program/ screening of Scientific documentaries/ audio visuals |
8.00 - 9.30 |
Dinner |
The above programme is tentative and programme shall be finalized 2 to 3 days before the commencement of the camp.
Public Lecture : There shall be five such lectures by eminent scientists/ professors like (preferably one each in the area of life sciences, Physics, chemistry, mathematics and earth sciences). Such lecture is to be held in our auditorium (1000 seat capacity) to be attended by all 350 students, our internal faculty and some other guests.
5 Parallel Sessions : There shall a number of such sessions as per the availability of speakers and slots. There shall be five parallel sessions in different subjects again as per the availability of speakers (70 in each session and 5 such sessions) to be held in lecture theaters.
2 Parallel Sessions: We want to demonstrate some fundamental scientific principles using some experimental gadgets. These sessions shall be conducted by experts who have been invited for the purpose. Appart form this these sessions shall also be utilized for special talks on International Science Olympiad, Chandrayan I & II & Science is fun stage shows etc.
Ask a question from the experts : The idea is that we have 3 to 4 mentors on the dais and they hold an interactive session with the students. Students shall be asked to give there questions in advance and mentors shall answer some of them during this session.
INSPIRE Quiz: We plan to conduct a science quiz for the participants. All the students are eligible to participate in the quiz..
SMVDU walk: This activity is aimed at exposing these students to our academic infrastructure.